World Changers
Short-term Missions is a challenging and spiritually renewing experience for every believer. World Changers provides tremendous opportunities for students to “GO” on mission with God in the form of hands-on labor projects doing anything from painting, roofing, trash pickup, cleaning yards and houses and so much more. More importantly, the gospel is both lived and shared during the work week. New friendships are formed as students from across the country participate in ever World Changer Mission. Other exciting opportunities with World Changers include VBS and Back Yard Bible Clubs or working alongside local non-profit groups in proving food collections and other vital needs-based help.
World Changers is the catalyst for students interested in participating with any international trip our Student Ministry plans. World Changes helps develop an understanding for students on how to work with others in a challenging environment as well as witnessing first-hand the hardships of others and how the simple message of the Gospel can change a life! Being away from home (perhaps for the first time) also prepares students to rely on their leaders and others for guidance and support. Traveling internationally comes with challenges all its own, but World Changers prepares students to learn how to meet those challenges by trusting in God and learning to trust others for direction, encouragement, and wisdom.
World Changers is the catalyst for students interested in participating with any international trip our Student Ministry plans. World Changes helps develop an understanding for students on how to work with others in a challenging environment as well as witnessing first-hand the hardships of others and how the simple message of the Gospel can change a life! Being away from home (perhaps for the first time) also prepares students to rely on their leaders and others for guidance and support. Traveling internationally comes with challenges all its own, but World Changers prepares students to learn how to meet those challenges by trusting in God and learning to trust others for direction, encouragement, and wisdom.